How to Remove Press On Nails

Press-on nails can give your nails a professional look in minutes, but removing press-on nails can be a pain. However, there are a few things you can do to make removing pressed nails easier, such as soaking your nails, using a cuticle pusher, and using a nail remover. Be sure to treat your nails and hands after you remove the fake nails to help them recover from any damage from the nails.

Why is it Important to Remove Press On Nails Properly?

You might be wondering, whether pressing your nails really requires a fuss. After all, they are meant to be easy to use and remove. But the truth is, pulling your nails properly has a lot of benefits, and a little extra time can make all the difference. Here are a few reasons why it's important to remove your press nails properly.

1. It protects the nail surface

Proper nail removal is essential to protect the natural nail surface. If you chip the nails without properly loosening them, you can cause scratches and damage to the nails underneath. Over time, the nails can become brittle and prone to cracking or tearing. Careful nail removal is essential to keep your natural nail growth strong.

2. You can reuse the fake nails

You want to reuse your favorite nail art set, which is another reason to avoid cracking when the nails are pressed. Press nails are meant to last, but they can snap or crack if you try to remove them without the proper tools. This means that you will never be able to enjoy the way you are now. Correctly removing your nails can save you time and money in the long and short term.

3. It helps prevent infection

When we irritate or damage our nails or the skin around them, it's easier for bacteria to enter our system. This means we are more likely to experience irritation and inflammation around our nails and nail bed. This can be painful and puts your next manicure back into shape because your nails have healed. That's why you always sanitize your nail tools before using them, and why it's so important to get the nail presses out of the way correctly when you're doing your next set.

4. it makes the adhesive stronger

If you're going to use a new set of nails, you'll need a smooth finish. When you tear or chip your nails, you can cause damage and roughness to the skin's surface. This can make it difficult for your nails to maintain a smooth connection. Protect your current manicure and make sure your next manicure really sticks when removed properly.

Tools Needed To Remove The Press On Nails

  • A small bowl (if you're using acetone, make sure the bowl isn't plastic)
  • nail clippers
  • Cuticle tweezers (Kandalec recommends getting a second tweezer that's specifically designed to remove cuticles by pressing, as the plastic can create small cracks in the blades.)
  • nail file (optional)
  • a nail buffer
  • Liquid soap or pure acetone
  • Orange wooden stick or metal putter

How To Remove Press-on Nails

There are a few different ways to remove pressed nails, depending on the style of the nail and the type of adhesive used. Here are some of our best methods.

  1. To soak, to push

It's important to loosen the adhesive holding your pressed nails, which is why you start removing them by soaking your nails in soap and warm water. You'll want to soak your nails for ten minutes first to see how loose the pressure is.

If the nails haven't come off completely, you can soak them for a longer time or apply cuticle oil to the bottom of the nails first to see if it helps loosen the adhesive further. Let the oil in the cuticle of the nails sit for a few minutes, then gently shake the nail to see how loose it is.

Once the nails start to loosen and move, use a nail pusher to gently remove them starting at the base of the nail. You always want to start at the base of the nail to avoid cracking or damaging the natural nail underneath. Once all the nails are removed, you can wipe off any remaining adhesive with water or with your fingers until the nails are clean.

  1. Use a small amount of acetone

Most modern nail polish removers use acetone to help loosen paint and glue attached to the surface of the nail. If you have trouble removing your nails with soapy water and keratin oil, acetone or nail polish remover may be your options.

You can add a few drops of nail polish remover to soapy water and let your nails soak for a few minutes. Then check to see if the glue comes off. You can also apply a small amount of nail polish to the edges and bottom of your nails. Use your nail cuticle pusher to gently remove nails that are pressing on them, being careful to add more nail remover if you experience resistance.

  1. Use oil

If you're worried about drying your hands with acetone, you can use a more natural removal product -- oil. You still need to soak your nails in warm water for five minutes first. Then, apply coconut, olive, or vegetable oil to the edges and bottom of your nails to help dissolve the glue and release pressure. Move the nails slowly and gently to make sure the oil works effectively, then use the cuticle pusher to push it the rest of the way.

Protect Your Nails at All Costs

It's not just another way to get rid of stress on your nails, but since it's just as important, I'm taking it as an extra reminder to always protect your nails.

Use a moisturizing lotion. Your nails may look damaged after a few weeks of sticking. It may look dry and brittle, which is why it's best to apply a moisturizing lotion to your nails.

Use conditioner cream. Another way to protect them is to use a conditioning cream or natural oils that are high in moisture. The only way to prevent nails from falling out and breaking is after you cut them short.

Apply primer. You can also apply a primer to cover the nails if you feel it is necessary. Choose a base that is nourishing and moisturizing.

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